Went on a bit of a tear in blackjack off a $50 deposit... dealers started acting weird

Idk maybe I’m being paranoid but every time I sit at a table the dealers start grilling me. Trying to find out what I do for a living… For some reason they don’t believe me when I say “Full time degenerate”. XD
Can winning at the tables get your account flagged or something?

Idk maybe I’m trippin’.
Anyways check this out lol
My lifetime stats are dwarfed by just the past day alone.
49k today.

I have never had a dealer talk to me. & Your win/loss record has no effect on losses. 49k wager is a lot but not a substantial amount for high rollers. Your overthinking it man :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice man don’t overthink it too much.