So whats the psycology behind playing way looser with free SC?

I have noticed myself and my friends we all play super loose with our free SC / bonus money, but if we buy in its way more methodical…Anyone else?


Maaan, I feel the same way. I won a $1,000 raffle on Fortune and ended up boofing the entire thing on bonus buys. If I had depo’d the money, I wouldn’t have taken the same course. I think its the psychology of telling ourselves that we are playing on “house money”.


Some done that before … sucks

agreed and i do the same thing pretty much

I’d guess because since there’s the designation SC in front of it and not a dollar sign, your mind doesn’t equate it with actual money. It’s just “play money”, so we don’t perceive it the same way we would if we had actually put cash into a machine.

I try to play slots no one does so when it hits Im the one who get the pot so i feel what youre laying down

It’s crazy to me how if I have a spare 30 dollars in my bank account I see that as endless possibilities to gamble with. Then when I run up a few bucks to 30 dollars I don’t withdraw it and take a breather then make a new strategy with my “endless possibilities”

This was a pretty interesting subject here surely, I agree i do play more loosly or careless with money when its given freely to me compared to as if its hard earned money you got from work or something you treat it more sparing or more protected.

i think everyone do the same thing when get free credit

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