JacksClub Stream Update 9/17/24 (Account Hacked)

Hey guys I want to thank everyone for their support and so sorry that the stream was cut short. I was so bummed about it. This is a friendly reminder to make sure to enable 2FA on your JacksClub account.

It appears that I may have flashed my IP address on stream and someone could have used that to access my computer/Jacksclub account.

The breach had nothing to do with SpinTalk.org. This is our new social site to discuss everything gambling and I am super glad you joined us. We have been working so hard on the site and would love to hear your feedback. Big shoutout to @jaypalapar

The giveaway winners will be announced tomorrow after we sort everything out. I will make a new post and tag all of the winners. Moving forward we will use SpinTalk to announce upcoming streams, updates, giveaways, and more; so I hope you stick around with us :grinning:

Thanks everyone for their understanding and I’ll be back for more slot action shortly. Hope to see you there. In the meanwhile, good luck on the spins!! :four_leaf_clover:


Surely it had nothing to do with this Amazing accomplishment here at SpinTalk , thats terribly dissapointing someone to do that to you and on stream too, none the less tho brother sorry about our misfortune and I still had a great time and ejoyed it while it was good, and on a side note of things, Thank for the invitation to the site here, you done a great job putting all this stuff together and Im proud of you and Extremly happy to be a part of it, Thanks Brother , Enjoy your night,

P.s Yes we are digging the site here, and its functioning very well id have to say :wink: Much love



sorry bro about what happened to you yesterday i want you to know that happened to me too and many many other users when contact them they asks you about 2FA to switch up things to your side for me my laptop was clean and i didn’t flash any info about the account what i try to say am pretty sure is someone from the house team who have the access to the accounts who do that ah i remember that the first time he played the Rip city and loss all the balance and another user say the same thing that he found many bets in the bet history of Rip city too that means he is the same guy and that’s what let me say he is one of the site team who do that to many users


i hope you be ok,and replace what you lose with another


Any good news or updates man!!


thank you for the update!