☘ JacksClub Giveaway and Stream 10/01/24 - Ryanster1999 is back!

Hey guys,

I will be back on Tuesday 10/01/24 for another stream, giveaway, and fun slot competition. Y’all I am so excited to be back! Last week I was on a cruise to Bermuda and ended up having poor service. Man, do I have a few stories to tell lol. It was an adventure to say the least.

I posted the last giveaway winners on previous thread. Sorry for the delay there

Anyways, go ahead and post your JacksClub username if you are planning to attend to be eligible for the first giveaway on the stream!

P.s. I got 2fa set up now so fingers crossed no attacks this time :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

See ya guys soon!! Lets Rock n roll :shamrock: :metal: :rocket:


Hey ryan klutter here. I just wanted to say if u havent already to log out of all sessions before adding funds into account and sign back in with 2fa just incase there lurking behind the scenes ever since i did that after first attack my accounta been secured! Just a suggestion from a fellow clubber!


Username: Slickemm408

Username Lenka230719

Valval226977 I don’t get this I keep trying and trying and it keeps telling me more lol :person_shrugging:

I am here . Let’s go.

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Hi Ryan it’s me Valval226977

Sunnybaby2021 is my username on jacks

finally user name luckycoffeedog

Bump this thread to top

Not sure why the downvote brother @Yazo2021. I bumped the thread up top bc the giveaway has not happened yet. Its on 10/1/24


Hello, Username: renato297

Username jessdockter

Ussename klutterboxlv

my jacksclub Username Unlucky

Yay finally ryan back, best of luck bro

Can’t wait! Username: Aliteaze

I’ll be watching for sure - Raintheghost

Awesome, jacks uaername : Rei

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nice i waithing for it