Hey guys try out REALPRIZE You get 2.3 SC’s for joining and join my live streams for free SC giveaways https://bonsaiyamareview.bcns.ai/singup
Great stream tonight, Joe! Ended up winning $125 from your free SC link on a line hit on Jokers. Looking forward to your next one brother. Also congrats on your partnership with RealPrize
Very nice !!! Thank you for the help
I tried to join RealPrize but unfortunately it is not available in my region
yea man i had a blast thanks for hosting W stream my friend! see you again soon!
oh sorry to hear about that
Thank you so much did you sign up from before or with my link
Surely I had my own personal account already so we went ahead and got mom signed up!!!
Awesome thank you so much , I’ll will post when I go live so you guys can get the giveaways
Awesome sauce man we greatly appreciate you and the Spin Talk Community xoxox
i watched some of your old streams i think you stream on Tiktok too
Thank you so much, I tried to stream on Tick Tok but it was taken down
thats terrible <3
Is that free sc for sign up still available?
Yes sign up with the link you get 2.3 sc just for signing up and then join me next week on my live stream I drop 3 links for more free SC’s
Ok i will sign up later, thanks for this information
Awesome, they have a pretty decent deal with the spooky spins $38 gets 50SC . Good luck
I click that link but not found
Gonna definitely check this one out. My fingers are crossed.