This is the biggest rain I’ve ever had
What site is that ???
It was almost 2 months ago when she won 4xx ltc
rea!!y it’s huge
Yep bro, she gave out almost 150 ltc that day including personal tip
thats crazy wow big rain
Omg very Big rain ltc carzy rain
Sadly I wasn’t online that night.
Won 1000 LTC from what I hear, but gave away so many and ended at 500 LTC, which she waited on the hot wallet to be filled so she could wd, and in that time ended up giving it all back.
I love Rachelle. Poor girl, her mother just died the other day. :*(
Yep, so sad to hear that
She was so generous player ever seen
She certainly is. She loves to share, which is not a requirement by any means.
What’s your bv username?
Twilight, and you?
Sometimes i do private tip to her with my another account, and i don’t want she send back but she always do when she up
My name on there is RipMePlease
Nice to see you rip
By the way rachelle on fire now at bv
nice big tip,congrtas
Damn I was asleep.
I will let you know if i get your contact
i just register i hpoe its legit for me
wow big one good luck for more
dammnnn for real, Ltc rained that much, big win lost in an instant, whew…